Call for Nominations

2026 Oparin Medal

The 10th recipient of the Aleksandr Ivanovich Oparin Medal of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life, which will be presented at the ISSOL 2026 conference. The 2026 Oparin Medal will be awarded “to the scientist deemed to have had the best sustained scientific research program in the origin of life field”. The rules adopted by the ISSOL Executive Council state:
 “Any full member of ISSOL may submit nominations.”

The nomination procedure and deadline will be announced in 2025. Nominees must be members of the Society. Nominations must include:

      • a letter (~250 words) describing the nominee’s contributions to the field,
  • a list of not more than ten of the nominee’s major publications.

The Executive Council passed a resolution that the A. I. Oparin and H. C. Urey Medals will be presented at alternate ISSOL meetings and that no single individual may be recipient of both awards. View the list of past recipients that are not eligible for nomination.

ISSOL Fellows

The selection is based on a members’ demonstrated exceptional and sustained contributions to the origin of life and/or astrobiology through scientific research, educational activities, or service to the Society or to this scientific community. Nominees must be members of the society. New Fellows are chosen from a panel of seven Councilors. The nomination submission deadline will be announced in 2025.

Nominations should include a 1 page letter outlining the candidate’s achievements and contributions, a CV, and a list of publications, and be sent to to the committee chair, professor Hikaru Yabuta (, as a pdf.
View the list of past recipients.

Stanley L Miller Early-Career Research Award

This award recognizes one or more promising young scientists (under the age of 37 for outstanding contributions to origins of life research. They should be engaged in experimental and/or theoretical studies in Astrobiology.  The award consists of $5000 for support of professional expenses, a certificate, and public recognition at the ISSOL meeting. The awardee(s) will have the opportunity to present their work at the triennial meeting.

Nominees do not have to be members of the Society. Nominations must include:

  • a letter of ~250 words describing the nominee’s contributions to the field.
  • a list of not more than ten (10) of the nominee’s major publications.

Individuals can apply or mentors/sponsors may apply for a deserving candidate. The application deadline will be announced in 2025. The selection committee consists of Antonio Lazcano (chair), Donna Blackmond and Muriel Gargaud. Applications should be sent as a single pdf document to the chair of the selection committee, Professor Antonio Lazcano.