
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres (OLEB)

Origins of Life Early-career Network (OoLEN)

Astrobiology Class Videos:

A platform for online courses in astrobiology was recently launched, with the goal to present astrobiology courses by international specialists to students working in this field and to the interested public. Classes are available in French, English, and Spanish; additional languages may be added later. 

Seminar and Documentary Videos:

The links below are to high-quality videos and animations that may be useful to those interested in the scientific study of the Origins of Life. ISSOL cannot guarantee the scientific accuracy of all of the points made in these media, nor do we necessarily support any particular scientific point of view.

Conference Videos:

  • The 6th International Symposium of the Earth Life Sciences Institute (ELSI) was held from January 9-11, 2018, at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Video presentations of the invited talks from the symposium are available here. Speakers included Haruyuki Atomi (Kyoto University), Eric Boyd (Montana State University), Rogier Braakman (MIT), George Cody (Carnegie Institution for Science), Donato Giovannelli (ELSI and Rutgers University), Paul Falkowski (Rutgers University), Christoph Flamm (University of Vienna), Masafumi Kameya (ELSI/University of Tokyo), Marc Koper (University of Leiden), Yamei Li (ELSI), Shawn McGlynn (ELSI), Joseph Moran (University of Strasbourg & CNRS), Shaunna Morrison (Carnegie Institution of Washington), Ryuhei Nakamura (ELSI/RIKEN), Vikas Nanda (Rutgers University), Takuro Nunoura (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Marta Ruiz Bermejo (National Institute of Aerospatial Technology), Hong-Yan Shih (University of Illinois) Everett Shock (Arizona State University), Everett Shock (Arizona State University), George Whitesides (Harvard University). Topics covered a wide range of studies, ranging from elementary mechanisms in organic geochemistry to ecological systems evolutionary biology.